Pupil Progress Summer 2022

This year In Literacy over 94% of our pupils are making expected or more than expected progress, this is an improvement from last year. We have has a focus on reading this year and have also been involved in the Headsprout project with Bangor University

In Number 99% of pupils making expected or more than expected progress again this is an improvement in the progress made last year. Also, in Geometry and Measurement over 90% of pupils are making expected or more than expected progress again this is an improvement on last year’s progress.

We have seen expected progress in Statistics and Spoken Language. We are planning to put additional intervention into these areas of learning as it less than progress in other areas

Thanks to all our families for supporting our children with their learning

Click HERE to view other Pupil Progress data

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E: delamere.admin@trafford.gov.uk
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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