Our Vision

“Together we make a difference…”

 Delamere Core Values

  • Inclusion
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Enjoyment
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Optimism
  • Growth

At Delamere School we will ….

  • Celebrate and value individuality.
  • Prioritise the development of children’s communication skills and respect what they communicate.
  • Provide an environment in which each child can develop skills at their own pace and yet still achieve their full potential.
  • Maintain high expectations of learning within each child’s capability.
  • Discover each child’s interests and provide activities which will motivate them to learn independently.
  • Work as a multi-professional team in order to meet the specific needs of all pupils.
  • Create a stimulating learning environment in an atmosphere which is secure and positive.
  • Use aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum where appropriate, whilst ensuring our curriculum is tailored to the individual.
  • Establish excellent home / school relationships.
  • Promote the active involvement of parents, governors and the wider community in all aspects of school.
  • Encourage social inclusion by involving ourselves in the wider community.
  • Support and enable the continuous learning journey for all.
Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E: delamere.admin@trafford.gov.uk
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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