
Assessment is at the heart of an effective curriculum and is a fundamental part of good teaching and learning. It enables learners to recognise achievement and make progress, and teachers to shape and adapt their teaching to individual needs and aspirations (Assessing pupil’s progress QCA 2010). At Delamere School we believe that every child is unique and therefore we recognise that making judgements about progress based on data alone will not be the most effective means of evaluating progress. We aim to record, evaluate and report on progress in a holistic manner, to recognise and celebrate each pupil’s personal milestones.

We are continuing to measure progress in P levels. Data across the school is scrutinised each half term, and intervention delivered as appropriate. Through this analysis we can ensure that all pupils and groups of pupils including those in receipt of pupil premium are meeting expectations and we can identify cohorts of learners who would benefit from further support. We have developed Delamere Progression Guidance to support us in making judgements regarding individual progress.

The Early Years Foundation Stage

All pupils learning from the EYFS curriculum are assessed using the EYFS profile. As Early years providers we complete an EYFS profile for each child in the final term of the year in which they turn 5; this is at the end of the reception year in primary school. Each pupil’s results are then submitted to the Local Authority.

In order to support us to track the steps of progress our pupil’s make within the EYFS profile, we use the Development Matters Document. Early Education launched Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage, new non-statutory guidance produced by Early Education with support from the Department for Education that supports all those working in early childhood education settings to implement the statutory requirements of the EYFS Framework.. More information can be found from We also used Bristol’s Differentiated Early Years Outcomes to support those children that make very small steps.

Characteristics of Effective Learning

These are the ways in which a child engages with other people and their environment. The characteristics are playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. These areas underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.

Prime Areas

  • Personal Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language

These Prime areas are the focus of most pupils Personalised Learning Targets (PLT). They will include areas to develop, such as toileting, feeding and dressing skills, gross and fine motor skills and developing language or non-verbal communication skills. The Prime areas are fundamental and move through to support development in other are

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

These areas include skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society. They grow out of the prime areas of learning and provide important context for learning.

Key Stage 1 and 2

All children in Key Stage 1 and 2 are assessed using the P scales (July 2014 document) or National Curriculum Levels where appropriate. The P Scales support periodic assessment of the national curriculum and outline attainment across 8 levels (P1 – P8) for pupils working below National Curriculum Level 1. Pupil’s data at the end of a Key Stage is submitted to the Local Authority. This is currently in the form of P levels[P1-4] or by Pre Key Stage levels for children working above P4.

From academic year 2020-21 reporting will be in the form of the Engagement Profile and Pre Key stage levels.

The P level descriptions identify the kinds of progress a pupil may make over a year or key stage. However, the P Scales operate independently of chronological age. So you shouldn’t expect pupils to reach any given level at a particular age or to progress through the levels at a predetermined rate. (Using the P Scales to assess pupils’ progress 2011).

These P Scales assess the following subjects:

Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, English, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Geography, History, Mathematics, Using and applying mathematics, Number, Shape, space and measures, Music, Languages, Physical Education, PSHE and Citizenship and Science.

We also use the B Squared and GAP assessment tool to help show, in a percentage form, the steps of progress each pupil makes

Making Judgements

In order to secure reliable judgements we moderate our EYFS and P Level judgements both within our own school and externally. We are part of the Greater Manchester Moderation Group which enables us to moderate our judgements with other schools. Exemplars of externally moderated work are available in school.

Target Setting

Assessment data in core subjects is being used to set targets that maximize the potential for pupil progress at Delamere School Setting high expectations are key to securing good progress. We believe this is an entitlement for all learners. Teachers set aspirational targets taking into account the child’s prior attainment and their own in depth knowledge of the child.

The process of termly pupil progress meetings, where the progress of individual learners is discussed and possible interventions identified has been established. Pupil progress meetings take place throughout the year in October, February and May.

Annual Reviews and Personalised Learning Targets

All pupils have an Annual Review of Progress which is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and consists of the child’s parents, Class Teacher and any other professionals as appropriate.

Pupils have agreed Personalised Learning Targets which are evaluated and updated three times a year.

Reporting on Progress

We report progress to parents informally through, emails, phone calls and face to face conversations.

We formally report on progress through Parents Evenings, termly Personalised Learning Targets evaluations and Annual Reviews.

Within the school, the multi-professional team report progress to each other through both formal and informal methods.

It is through these discussions that Parents and the multi-professional school team can work together to ensure future targets are meaningful, underpinned by high expectations, have considered past performance but then add a degree of challenge.

We have a statutory responsibility to report EYFS and end of Key Stage Data to the local authority.


Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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