Leading Parent Partnership Award – Update

Leading Parent Partnership Award

February 2021

We are now 6 months in to the Award so thought we would give you an update on progress so far.

  • We have held 3 working group meetings to look at the objectives and consider what we meet and what we need to improve on.
  • We have taken the objectives to the Parent Council to gain parent views on what objectives we meet and where we could improve.

Some excellent ideas came out of this, some of which are listed below.

  • We have taken the objectives to the school governors to gain their views and again some excellent ideas came out.
  • We have sent out to all families and stakeholders and received some really positive feedback.

Ideas developed through the above actions:

  • Signage in school directing families to places they may visit e.g. meeting rooms and medical room.
  • A ‘Meet the Team’ session planned for September to introduce families to their child’s new classroom and teaching team.
  • Develop a short year 5 Transition Course to replace the Moving On meeting. Include talks and/or visits to high schools, school nurse on puberty, and independent skills training.
  • Consultation with Parent Council on wider use of new school pool.
  • Compared our school survey to the LPPA evaluation form and amended to ensure all areas covered. Also given consideration to when best to send out.
  • Considered new parent courses e.g. IT skills, making symbols.
  • A Rolling programme to be developed.

Work will continue throughout the year, if you have any comments or suggestions or would like to know more contact Liz Johnson on ejohnson@delamere.trafford.sch.uk or 747 5893

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E: delamere.admin@trafford.gov.uk
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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