Rebound Therapy

What is Rebound Therapy?

The phrase ‘Rebound Therapy’ describes a specific method of use of a full sized trampoline to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation for people across virtually the whole spectrum of additional needs.

Rebound Therapy at Delamere School

We have a number of staff trained to deliver rebound therapy as part of our physical education provision and also as   part of our intervention offering.

In addition to the physical  and  therapeutic focus of rebound therapy we also use the opportunity to build and develop students communication skills, whether that be through the use of intensive interaction, AAC e.g. TD Snap, symbols, PECS and PODD mats or expanding on verbal communication.

 Rebound Therapy is also a good opportunity to work on  PSHE skills such as turn taking, waiting and also dressing skills.

Summer Term

Rabbit class have been taking part in rebound therapy sessions. This has been a great opportunity to work on some gross motor skills as the trampoline requires balance, core strength and requires us to co-ordinate and control our bodies. It is also an opportunity to practice our communication skills in a different setting. The children have been amazing with their confidence and engagement growing each week.

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Article 29 (goals of education) Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Autumn Term

During Autumn term some of Hedgehog class have been accessing rebound therapy sessions, with the other half of the class accessing sessions during Spring term. The children have done fantastic over the weeks and have grown in confidence,  core strength and stability. The children have learnt how to safely work on the trampoline, learning where to jump, how to stop safely. They have learnt to jump in different ways in order to build their strength and practice their balance. We have also explored different ways we can make the trampoline move without jumping. Most importantly the children have had lots of fun, displaying great appreciation for themselves and others, making us very proud.

Deer Class Rebound

Deer class have been taking part in rebound therapy interventions. This was a new activity to lots of the pupils and we have spent time getting used to being on a large piece of apparatus and building up our confidence. As the children have grown in confidence we have been able to use the trampoline as a motivator for communication, enabling us to work on our symbol recognition, scanning skills and initiation of communication. Most of all we have had lots of fun.

Pupils first time at their Rebound Sessions

Butterfly class took part in rebound therapy for their first time.  Lots of the children started off lacking confidence and feeling nervous  when on the large piece of equipment. Over the sessions we were able to build confidence and gain trampolining safety and skills allowing them to jump and bounce in different ways .

The children really enjoyed the sessions and we used this motivation to build on our communication working on requesting activities and talking about what we are doing.

Well done Butterfly class!!!!!

Experiencing different movements

Owl class have been accessing the trampoline to  experience a different range of movement. The children used the trampoline to move up and down, side to side, fast and slow.  The children were able to experience movements that they do not usually experience when in their wheel chairs and  on static ground.

The motivation of the trampoline is also a really good opportunity to practice our requesting skills and persistence when making requests.

In rebound Therapy we have been working hard on our confidence going on the trampoline, and some in particular have even learnt to do a seat drop after lots of practise.

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Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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