Competitions and Events

Panathlon Bowling Tournament

After success in the first round Delamere were invited to represent the Trafford area at the North West region Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling Tournament. We may have not been the winners on the day however the children had a fantastic time, taking turns with their peers, cheering each other on, not to mention working on their gross motor skills. #Panathlon

#LetGirlsPlay – Football

As part of the #Letgirlsplay initiative some of our KS1 girls attended a Disney shooting stars festival where they took part in a variety of activities aimed at boosting fundamental movement skills, developing gross motor control and enjoyment in football themed games.

 #LetGirlsPlay @EnglandFootball 

Article 31 UNCRC – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities

Biggest ever Football session

We made sure everyone was involved with our girls from independent learners helping our wheelchair users in a game of giant football.

We won the Let Girls Play award in our area for our efforts at supporting girls football

Article 31 UNCRC you have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama.

Ten Pin Bowling

A group of KS2 pupils attended a regional ten pin bowling competition organised by Penathlon Challenge. This was a fully inclusive sporting event enabling some of our less ambulant pupils a chance to take part. Being the reigning Champions the children got to use the VIP lane. Unfortunately we did not retain our title, however we were immensely proud of the children’s sportsmanship in cheering each other on and helping each other where we could. The children had a fantastic time and looking forward to a strong return next year.

Trafford’s Got Talent – Delamere Dynamo’s

Some of the children from school were selected to form Delamere Dynamo’s to perform at Trafford’s got Talent. The children practised really hard and had a fantastic experience getting to share their hard work in front of a large audience. The children displayed great creativity, enthusiasm, resilience and enjoyment in the making of the routine and the performance. 


Panathalon Challenge

Eight of our pupils had the exciting opportunity to participate in the IQM Primary Panathalon challenge at the Bolton Arena. Children had the opportunity to play new sports such as table cricket as well as take part in a competition to represent Delamere. Children did activities such as parachute games, throwing games, Kurling and Boccia. They also got a tour of Bolton Wanderers football stadium where they had the opportunity to look inside the media room, the home and away changing rooms and also got to see the stadium from a footballer’s point of view at pitch side. The children loved the tour and the activities that were provided for them. Every child received a certificate and a medal for their hard-earned efforts. We would like to say a massive thank you for all the volunteers and staff who worked at the Bolton Arena to make all this possible.

Football Festival

Delamere participated in a football festival. Children were able to showcase their football skills in this event. They played lots of fun games which allowed them to practise their shooting, dribbling, passing and tactical awareness skills. They had great fun and they all earned a medal and certificate for their hard earned efforts. An active lifestyle promotes healthy mental wellbeing.


Children of Delamere took part in in a bowling competition set up by The Panathalon Foundation. The children were very excited to attend Hollywood Bowl and learn some new skills. Although we didn’t make it through to the next round the children did remarkably well and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 

Sports Leaders Trip

our sports leaders got a wonderful opportunity to visit The Emirates Old Trafford Cricket Ground to get a hands-on experience on what it takes to be a good sports leader. The pupils arrived at the ground where they were inspired by cricketer Ella Telford. She spoke about her experiences as a leader and answered questions from the children.

Pupils paticipated in some workshops where they explored what skills were needed to become an effective leader. They also had a tour of the stadium where they got to experience what the dressing rooms were like and see inside the media centre. Finally, they took part in some mini cricket activities which included throwing, catching and keeping a ball up on a cricket bat.

Many thanks to kay Statham, Chris Dyson and everyone at the Emirates Old Trafford Cricket Ground for making this such a wonderful experience.

Sports Week

What a fantastic week we have had! The children started the week with an opening ceremony where they were able to showcase their country flags that they had made and sing along to their country’s national anthem. The children got to play lots of different games such as New Age Kurling, water polo, benchball, parachute games and football. Some pupils had the opportunity to attend a Simply Cycling session where they were able to try out some custom bikes and cycle around a running track. This was all rounded off with a closing ceremony in which children received medals and certificates for their efforts.

Pupils and staff demonstrated remarkable enthusiasm and resilience, despite the hot weather. Everyone showed a fantastic display of involvement and enjoyment for sport

We hope this week has inspired your children to get active and enjoy sport as well as learn about the Commonwealth Games. 

Sports Leadership Graduation 

Congratulations Class of 2022

4 children from Squirrel Class were selected as sports leaders to represent Delamere School. The children took part in different sports leaders activities at Lancashire Cricket Ground. They were then given some tasks to complete over the course of the year e.g. delivering sports activities to their peers and creating a poster on the importance of an active lifestyle. They went back to the Cricket Ground to celebrate their graduation for all of their hard work. They received certificates, badges and a t-shirt.

Sports Leader Workshop 

Delamere’s sport leaders went to the Emirates Old Trafford Cricket ground to complete a series of workshops on how to be a good leader in sports. Pupils were inspired by a talk from Lancashire batsman Rob Jones as he talked about what he believes a leader is. They looked at what qualities a good leader needs and had the opportunities to practise some leadership skills by leading an activity for another school. Over the course of the year our sports leaders will be given some opportunities to demonstrate their qualities by completing some tasks made for them.

Table Cricket Sessions – Lancashire Cricket Club

Over the course of 3 weeks Delamere were lucky enough to have members of the Lancashire Cricket Club to come and join us to deliver some table cricket sessions. Children were taught some rules and were encouraged to use signs to show dot ball, four and six after the batsman hit the ball.

During the 3 weeks children showed great progression and began to think more tactically and demonstrated better accuracy when bowling and batting. They showed great hand eye co-ordination skills and work well in their teams. There was also a competition element on the final week where children were split into 2 teams to face each other through batting and fielding. Both teams played excellent, but there could only be one winner, everyone showed great team spirit and both teams showed great sportsmanship by congratulating one another after the game had ended. Children were rewarded for their efforts with certificates and stickers at the end of the game.

We would like to thank our volunteers Kay and Kate at Lancashire Cricket Club for putting in their hard work and time for our children as they have gained a lot of valuable skills from playing and have shown lots of enjoyment whilst playing

Santa Dash

Over Christmas all the pupils Delamere School took part in a Santa Dash were the children dressed up in their Christmas jumpers and ran a mile around the school grounds. This was a wonderful event that the children really enjoyed and although it was a cold day it didn’t stop them from completing the challenge! –  

Table Cricket Tournament

Delamere once again went to Lancashire Cricket Club to play in a table cricket tournament in which a total of 6 schools participated in; the schools were split into 2 groups of 3. Delamere were the outright winners of their group which meant they progressed to the final. It was a very tight affair during the final as both schools did some magnificent batting and fielding, scoring a lot of fours and sixes along the way. However it was Delamere that were the outright winners of the competition, and we couldn’t be happier for them. They have worked brilliantly as a team and showed some fantastic tactical awareness throughout the games. Well done Delamere! 

Delamere School travelled to Lancashire Cricket Club to play a competitive table cricket match against The Birches. There was some excellent fielding and batting from both schools. Delamere have been learning how to play the game in the previous weeks, and they showed what they had learnt on this day. They were brilliant, and showed great support for one another. Delamere and The Birches played 3 games in total against each other and Delamere ran out as the eventual winners of the match. We are all so pleased of the hard work they have produced. 

Sports Week 2021

Sports week is an annual event that is held at Delamere School to challenge children and encourage participation as part of our commitment to deliver high quality PE throughout the school.

After another tough year in which young people have missed out on so much and things being so out of the norm sport and physical activity have played a vital role with the road to recovery. Delamere School celebrated National Sports week in June where the whole school took part in many different sporting activities. It was fantastic to see so many children smiling and showing so much enthusiasm doing the activities they love.

What a week it was!

From relay races, to swimming, to obstacle course challenges Delamere School had it all this year! Lots of children had the opportunity to take part in many different sports including 10 pin bowling, archery, Scottish Highland games, New Age Kurling, table cricket, Boccia and many more. Some children had the opportunity to try out new sports and skills outside of school by going to a soft play area and by going to play golf. What shone was the power that sport has for our pupils. The children of Delamere demonstrated their abilities of hand eye co-ordination, balance, vision, speed, agility, teamwork, sportsmanship, friendship, confidence, determination, and resilience.

The competitions were fun and competitive and there was lots of praise and spirit being shown by both our excellent staff and wonderful children for the efforts our pupils put in.

Our sports week was concluded with a closing ceremony to reflect on the children’s achievements, children received sporting certificates and medals for their efforts.

Lancashire Cricket Tournament

Squirrel Class had the opportunity to take part in a Table Cricket Tournament and had great success on the day. Have a look how we did on the day!

Squirrel class with the ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy, they are very lucky children to have their picture taken with this cup at the Famous Lancashire Cricket Ground, where tournament was held.

Ruby was a good ‘bowler’ for the team. All her team watching her as she delivered one of the winning bowls.

Squirrel team were defending and making sure the opposition don’t get too many points and we had Good bowling by Cordelia and good defending by the rest of the team (what a team effort, Max got really excited).

Xander received  the ‘small cricket bat’ for scoring the highest runs in the whole competition.

Well done Xander!!! We were all so proud of him.

The team had their photograph taken with one of the Lancashire Cricket team, who presented them with the winning trophy; the trophy was a cricket bat with the whole of the Lancashire Cricket team’s signatures on it.

What a fantastic day, we went with the understanding that we were going to do our best, and our best made us the best!!! What a team, I was so proud of them, in fact I shed a ‘little’ tear at the end.

Have a look below at our Competitions & Tournaments we have entered.

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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