Caterpillar Class

Welcome to Caterpillar Class Page

Newsletter and Timetable available in printable format at the bottom of the class page 


During Maths week, Caterpillar class explored different shapes through real life objects and using them to make prints, grouping shapes together and looking at patterns. We had lots of fun! 

Caterpillar class had a wonderful time when the Royal Ballet School came to visit. We were lucky to see Tap Dancing and Jazz.
It was great fun trying on the costumes, we felt the tap shoes and listened to the sounds they made.
Some children joined in with the dancers, and it was clear from the children’s faces they all enjoyed this amazing experience.

For St George’s Day, Caterpillars made some dragon faces in art. 

We talked about how dragons have scales, and we used printing to create scales on our work. First, we chose a colour and then used our mixing skills to create different shades of our chosen colour. We then painted on top of some bubble wrap, and then pushed our face templates onto the paint to create a print for the scales. We are very proud of our finished dragons! 

During Caterpillar’s sensory cooking session this week, we made some biscuits by following a visual recipe schedule. We explored the ingredients separately, before combining them. We used our fine motor skills to mix, pour and roll our mixture using our own hands and a range of tools and cutlery. We enjoyed adding the icing and sprinkles.

Caterpillar Class have been learning all about St Patrick’s Day this week through experiencing a wide range of sensory activities.

We have enjoyed potato printing, using a range of St Patrick’s Day themed cutters in our dough disco sessions and creating some lovely art work.

We loved digging for coins and collecting them into pots using a range of tools, and also finding coins hidden in green spaghetti.

We have had lots of fun!

Mad about Minibeasts ! Caterpillar class are really enjoying this terms topic. We have used magnifying glasses to explore our bug tuff tray. We have made our own minibeasts from playdough and painted caterpillars in art.  We explored books about minibeasts and talked about different bugs.  It was also great fun finding the bugs hidden in the slime. Some of the children even dressed up as a minibeasts.

Our topic this term is food and drink and we have incorporated this is our art and mark making sessions. So far we have used peppers and broccoli. The children enjoyed dipping the vegetables in paint and looking at the marks they made. Some of the children were able to identify the vegetable they were using, Anita said ” it’s a pepper” and Sam repeated after the adult  “green broccoli “.

We were so excited to see the snow. It was great fun sliding down the hill on our own makeshift sledge, (also known as a baking tray.) We made snow balls and helped build a snowman. It was magical to spend time in the snow.

Raphael demonstrated some great interaction and play skills with an adult today. In our cafe role play area the adult began imaginary play with Raphael taking a cup and a jug pretending to pour a drink then drink it. Raphael was animated and shown enjoyment, he took the jug himself and copied the actions of the adult using his jug to pour into the cup, he then raised his cup to his lips to drink. The adult held up her cup and Raphael used his jug to pour into the adults cup. This was amazing for Raphael to be engaged and interactive with the adult through play. Well done Raphael!

In Caterpillar, we used our maths skills to make some reindeer food. We used our number recognition to count and scoop the right amount of ingredients into the bags, and our fine motor skills to fill and pour. We can’t wait to bring home our creations.

Caterpillar class visited Parker’s Garden Centre for our Christmas trip. We walked around the centre, and talked about what we could see and hear. We touched the different decorations and felt the textures. We enjoyed the dark tunnel with the light up trees, but our favourite was the large singing and dancing Christmas tree! We were all fantastic at walking around the centre and we really enjoyed the ride on the minibus.

In Caterpillar, we are exploring the theme of Space. In dough disco, we have made some aliens by using our fine motor skills to manipulate the dough, and to push different items such as eyes, cotton buds and pipe clearers into the dough to create facial features, arms, legs and antennas! We had lots of fun.

In PE, we are developing our ball skills through pushing, rolling, kicking and throwing. We loved throwing a range of balls into a target and rolling them down chutes. We noticed that if the chute was steeper, the balls moved faster. We positioned the chute ourselves to make to make the balls roll fast becuase we enjoyed this the most. We also enjoyed rolling a ball down a chute into some large skittles to knock them over. We did some great waiting and turn taking

In caterpillar, we have been using our sensology lessons to explore with all our senses. We have enjoyed shaking and banging a range of instruments and listening to the sounds they make and looking in mirrors to find the different parts of our faces. We have been smelling, touching and tasting some bitter and sweet food items, and exploring the touch of different textures in books and of sensory objects. We were even given some massages! As well as having lots of fun in our sessions, we were also able to show the adults some of our likes and our dislikes and using a range of strategies to show that we would like ‘more.’

Remote Learning

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Coming soon

Have a look below at our Newsletters and our Class Timetable:

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