
Teacher for 2023-24 Adam Robinson

Teaching Assistants- Shaz, Helen, Lisa & Louise  

Personal Support Workers- Melissa

Class updates :

In Art, Badger class are focusing on printing. We use natural materials such as twigs and leaves to print marks. We love our art session! 

In science, Badger class are experiencing a range of living things and the things that they need to survive. We are currently looking at habitat and how we can help animals to thrive. We visit Nature Reserve to explore and experience this. 

In Badger class, we encourage the children to take part in and contribute to group activities and build relationships and friendships. As part of communication, we work on turn taking and developing social interaction. 

During our Hello session, Badger class are learning to recognise their peers, develop their social skills and greet their peers appropriately. We are also learning to recognise our routines through songs of references. 

Badger class are using a range of communication tools to comment, express and request!

Article 12: You have the right to give your opinion and to be taken seriously.

Badger class use a range of activities to help children self-regulate. One of them is sensology as this sensory experience empowers them to manage their emotions and reactions. This week, we had a fantastic sensology session! Well Done Badger class! 

In English, Badger class are looking at autobiographys as well as playscripts this term. We made a PowerPoint about each child and each week we discuss our likes/dislikes. We call it ”All About Me’. What we enjoy doing at home and school. The children love to hear about their peers interests, pets and family. 

Badger class are looking at playscript this term. We are reading a story called ‘Whatever Next’. We have been exploring all the sensory items relating to the story as well as reading the book. We all got into our characters and Edward was our super star and read his lines clearly as baby bear. Well Done Badger class!

Badger class had a fantastic splash session this week. The children worked hard on their swimming skills! We used PODD mat to communicate and request our favourite swimming strokes! 

Science week

The pupils in Badger class carried out scientific enquiries when we  experimented with fossils and clay in their Science lesson .We have been looking at rocks and fossils as part of our current topic Rocks. The pupils examined the rocks and used magnifying glasses to explore the concepts of magnification and observe the minerals we had . We made predictions about what may happen if we were to press fossils and rocks into soft clay. We all observed the brilliant results of our experiment and will examine the clay as it changes state into a harder material as it dries out.

Badger class had the best time in the snow, interacting with adults and peers, communicating amazingly about their emotions and the weather and temperature. We even had a campfire on the outdoor learning field and toasted marshmallows for a special treat. We all had so much fun. 

In PE, Badger class are focusing on invasion games. We are learning different ways to send the ball or the curling stone to the targets. This also helps us in turn taking and  building relationships and friendships with our peers. 

Badger class have access to swimming on weekly basis. We have been trying different swimming strokes. We are also building relationship with our peers. We love our swimming sessions! 

In PE, we are practising our gross motor skill movements to develop our balance and coordination to enable us to move in different and more complex ways, safely with confidence and Kai was our super star this week!

In food tech, Badger class made milkshake! First we chopped and mashed some bananas and then we poured milk into our mixture. After that, we stirred our mixture with a whisk. At the end we had our milkshake and it was delicious! 

Have a look at what we have been getting up to in our gallery below:


Home Learning

Fine Motor Development

Develop hand strength and finger coordination with the Dough Disco!

Please click below to download the latest Newsletter and Timetable

Delamere School Irlam Road Flixton M41 6AP
T: 0161 747 5893 E:
Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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